Jun 2, 2015

New LilyPond Templates (part 2)

As promised, here is the second installment of templates. I've created templates for Rock and Pop, Jazz, and Latin style scores.

Rock and Pop


*This template, as is, requires the LilyJAZZ fonts and stylesheet, all of which can be downloaded here.

Mariachi band.ly Salsa band.ly

In the future, in addition to these monolithic template files, I plan to provide another set of files that divide each of these template files into two (at least): a "content" file, which contains the music itself (assigned to variables) for each instrument, and a "structure" file, which arranges the staves and calls the content variables. It basically focuses on the look-and-feel and layout of the music on the printed page.

I'll also provide some more instruction on how to effectively utilize/customize the templates to your needs. But for now, play around with the files and if you have questions, feel free to email me with questions or post a comment below!


  1. Where did the templates go? :(

    1. Sorry for the long absence. I've been very busy with lots of other things (like running my font store). All the above links are back in working order.
